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Once someone decides their interests lie in becoming one of the computer hardware professionals, the people who create the tangible parts of the computer. You know the things that you can hold in your hand. It’s then time to explore what you have to do to elevate yourself to the educational level necessary to acquire a position as a computer hardware professional. There are many computer engineering careers to visit; the design and building of computer chips (semiconductors) and other electronic chips (IC’s), from the design and building of power supplies, to the designing and building of printers and keyboards, etc. Also, each of the components listed in “How to Build a Computer” and “Peripheral Devices”, as well as all of the expansion cards and miscellaneous items. This needs someone or some group to design and build them. This is the choice you have to make.

An Electrical or Electronic Engineering degree will allow you entry into the field of electronic component design and building, also, the design and building of power supplies. The Computer Hardware Engineer or Mechanical Engineer is responsible for the design and building of the non-electronic components. Some of the more sophisticated items such as the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) chip and the printers have an embedded programs called firmware, and that requires a programmer.

The engineering training is acquired at one of the many engineering schools in the US and else ware. Use the engineering school resources website to find a school of your liking, in whatever geographical area you prefer. Also use the BLS Occupational Handbook, it has a detailed description of the careers in each of these fields. You should read this handbook in order to gain a broader understanding of what you can expect and what is expected of you. Someone seeking entry into the electronics and computer field as a technician should look at this website, it has many of the training opportunities. These are not the only websites for educational choices for computer hardware professionals. You will find the Internet is an outstanding tool for searching for information in these fields and others. When you find a school to your liking, get their catalog, read and understand it thoroughly before making your selection. Do this with more than one school. By comparing schools, you will get a better understanding of what each has to offer, and therefore make a better decision. This is ideal preparation when looking for a computer engineering job.

As for learning what’s new in the computer industry as one of the computer hardware professionals, we’ve prepared a list of trade and technical publications for your interest. You can read excerpts from them online, or you can choose to subscribe to the printed version, your choice.

  1. Electronic Products This magazine focuses on the new product and the product technology needs of engineers designing today's electronic equipment and systems. 

  2. Embedded Systems Design This magazine provides best practices and peer guidance for Senior Systems Designers and their teams. 

  3. EE Times This is the online source of global news for the creators of technology. Electronics applications, products, technology and design techniques.

  4. Electronic Design Information, News, & Business Strategy for Electronics Design Engineers

  5. ECN This newsletter is the leading provider of product news and information for the electronic designer and engineer.

  6. Semiconductor Business News This is part of the E E Times.

  7. Solid State Technology Magazine Source of info for the wafer fabricating engineers, operators and managers, tool and material suppliers and semiconductor researchers. 

  8. Semiconductor Online Includes product releases, industry news, manufacturers, technology announcements, employment opportunities, and discussion forums. 

  9. Semiconductor Fabtech Technical review of IC manufacturing trends and technologies for the IC industry. 

  10. Printed Circuit Design Magazine Providing news and technical information to designers, engineers, and companies involved in printed circuits and related technologies. 

  11. EE Product News Covers new semiconductors, components, equipment, systems, and software for design engineers. 

  12. Techtree.com Techtree is India's Technology Daily. It features reviews, news, and street prices on tech products available in India, as well as free downloads and newsletters about the Indian personal technology market.

With all of the content provided on this Computer Hardware Professionals page, you should be able to gain an understanding of what the computer hardware engineer and technician does, and what is expected of him or her. Also, you will find the information necessary to select the school that will give you the skills to enter these fields. If this is what turns you on, go for it!

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